Hi Guys, HO race season is upon us (First race is Friday March 8) and there are a couple of new items available:
Silicone tires: I have been selling RTV silicone slip on tires in some two dozen sizes for over 30 years. One of the best selling tires are the .500 inch slip on tires for Aurora Hot Rods and Indy cars. Their high profile and excellent stick have made them great tires for top end speed, but didn’t help their handling much. Those same compound tires are now available in .468 which will provide better handling with the same great stick. ECHORR lower size limit is .460, so these should be ECHORR legal. $1.50 pair in black and limited colors.
New from Auto World: Due in Wednesday: Following up on their recent release of vintage and new Mountain Dew and Pepsi trucks are two different Richard Petty and Kendall trucks ($23.99 each)
Also in this week is the latest release of Auto World Thunderjets (see pics) $21.99 each

The HO race schedule will be posted this week. Check the site, www.njhobby.net for listings. Something new this year is Beginners Month. The entire month of March will feature races which will be easy for the racer new to HO and fun for the seasoned race veteran. These races will feature cars which will require minimum tuning and should allow for the beginner to be fairly competitive. See you soon. Joe