Be sure to visit the store! We carry the following 1/32 cars and parts, plus more.
Advan Slot, Alpa Series, Auto Art 1/32 and 1/24, Bauer 1/32 kit (limited) , BRM 1/24, Bycmo motorcycles, Carrera GO! 1/43, Carrera 1/32 and 1/24 Cartrix, Fly, Flyslot, G-slot, GB Track (limited) , Maxxtrac Tires, MRRC, Monogram, Ninco, NSR, Pink Car, Power slot, Reprotec (limited) Revell of Germany, vintage Riggen (1980’s) Scalextric, SCX Slot It, Sloter, Spirit, Strombecker (1980’s vintage), Top Slot (limited) , and many more.
Parts by and for
H&R racing RTR chassis 1/24, Indy Grips, Monogram, Ninco, NSR,
Pro track, Professor Motor, REH, Scalextric Sport, Slot It, Super Tires and wheels, and many more.