Bauer Modellautobahnen continues to expand its product offerings with new categories. Bauer is expanding its offering of the NSU 1000C, first offered in Turquoise and still available by making race versions in the Racing Heroes ’70 category with the hood up/engine showing NSU TT Cup Gulf car ($139.99) (now in stock ) and the NSU TT CUP WHITE/RED LIVERY, also back in stock).
Still in stock and available is the orange NSU TTS targa in orange #4512. $109.99.
Bauer cars have come with Vincent wheels for many years. Bauer is now offering complete Vincent vehicles. First is the 1966 American Muscle car available in black, white and medium metallic blue. These cars are powered by an OS3 TFX chassis and feature a full color interior, hand painted driver with his arm resting on the door window opening, full authentic Dodge wheels, various US license plates, dual exhausts, treaded tires and more. $129.99 each
The other Vincent offering is the 1965 American Muscle car, also beautifully detailed, available in pale green, dark blue and red. Power from the OS3 TFX chassis. Also $129.99 each.
Call in your orders to 908-322-2676.